Gaussian Process: Theory and ApplicationsՀայաստանի կազմակերպությունների տեղեկատուStochastic MechanicsExpress Your Wishes

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   Basics of Gaussian Processes
M Seeger. Gaussian processes for machine learning. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2004.

M Ebden. Gaussian Processes for Regression: A Quick Introduction. 2008.

CE Rasmussen. Gaussian Processes in Machine Learning.

BD Chuong, updated by L Honglak. Gaussian processes.

DJC Mackay. Introduction to Gaussian processes. NATO ASI series. Series F: computer and system sciences.

JL Doob. The elementary Gaussian processes. Ann. Math. Statist, 1944.

P Sollich, CKI Williams. Understanding Gaussian Process Regression Using the Equivalent Kernel. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005.

    Dr Arman Melkumyan 
Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation 
Australian Centre for Field Robotics 
Link Building J13, Room 317 
University of Sydney