Gaussian Process: Theory and ApplicationsՀայաստանի կազմակերպությունների տեղեկատուStochastic MechanicsExpress Your Wishes

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   Dynamic systems modelling using Gaussian processes
Y Engel, P Szabo, D Volkinshtein. Learning to Control an Octopus Arm with Gaussian Process Temporal Difference Methods. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2006.

D Nguyen-Tuong, J Peters. Learning Robot Dynamics for Computed Torque Control using Local Gaussian Processes Regression. Learning and Adaptive Behaviors for Robotic Systems, 2008.

J Kocijan, R Murray-Smith, CE Rasmussen, B Likar. Predictive control with Gaussian process models. EUROCON 2003.

GJ Gray, R Murray-Smith, K Thompson, DJ Murray. Tutorial example of Gaussian Process prior Modelling Applied to Twin-tank System.

R Murray-Smith, D Sbarbaro. Nonlinear adaptive control using non-parametric Gaussian Process prior models., 2002.

K Azman, J Kocijan. Non-linear model predictive control for models with local information and uncertainties. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement & Control, 2008.

    Dr Arman Melkumyan 
Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation 
Australian Centre for Field Robotics 
Link Building J13, Room 317 
University of Sydney